Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ

Our belief is that God is bringing "better than you can believe" good news into our lives!  Therefore, we declare our faith:

God's at work here!  (John 5:17)

It's better than you imagine!  (Ephesians 3:20)

Prepare to be astonished!

Our Vision: to provide a venue where people who are searching for meaning and purpose in life, exploring life’s “big issues,” and for those who desire to go deeper and deeper in their relationship with God, resulting in transformed lives, strengthened local churches, and lifegiving communities here in Amherst County.

Our Mission: To enlarge our understanding and practice of being a Christ-follower who teaches others to be Christ-followers and thereby to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission [Matthew 28:19-20].

What is Alpha?

Alpha is an 11 week course on evangelism and discipleship.  It's a safe place to ask questions about faith, life questions, and purpose.